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You may recall that on Friday, February 27, 2015, the ambulance services were suspended by the fire chief as a result of an internal review. Effective immediately, our ambulance service has been reinstated and we are once again providing emergency medical care and transport for the citizens within St. Tammany Fire Protection District No. 11, including the Town of Pearl River. After the internal review was completed, it was found that some of the documentation, policies and procedures were deficient in conjunction with running an ambulance service. These deficiencies have been reviewed and after many days and hours of consultations with Emergency Medical Services (EMS) professionals, the Louisiana Department of Health & Hospitals and our medical director, the concerns have been addressed and corrected to meet and exceed all requirements. We appreciate the support and understanding from the community over the last several weeks while we overcame these obstacles and focused on making these corrections. We are happy to once again offer the best emergency medical care and ambulance services to our community.

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