CAMPER TRAILER FIRE (PEARL RIVER, LA) At approximately 5:10PM, St. Tammany Fire Protection District No. 11 responded to the 65000 block of North Blvd. in Pearl River, LA for a camper trailer on fire. Firefighter and apparatus arrived on scene within 2 minutes and they found a camper trailer fully involved in fire. Fire hose was quickly deployed and water was placed on the fire, however the trailer was too far gone to save it. The fire was extinguished and placed under control within 20 minutes. In total 9 firefighters and 3 apparatus responded to scene. The cause is undetermined at the time personnel and apparatus cleared the scene. Efforts were slightly hindered by high winds, heavy rains and standing water in the street and yard where the camper trailer was located. The camper trailer was not permanently occupied at the time of the fire; however the camper was used to store music equipment. No firefighters were injured and apparatus were quickly placed back in to service.