Hood suppression systems are designed to protect cooking equipment that produces grease laden vapors. It is important that employees are aware how the system is designed to work and how it operates. Employees need to know how to use the manual actuator and use a Class K extinguisher should the suppression system not automatically activate during a fire.
It is equally important to understand how to inspect and ensure the cleanliness of the hood system and know when it needs to be cleaned either by employees or by trained professionals. Below is an inspection schedule by trained professionals. Inspections are dependent on how frequently your commercial cooking equipment is used.

Upon completion of reviewing this information and videos with your management and employees, please submit a training roster.
Fire Prevention Bureau Questions or Concerns
Any questions or concerns regarding our Fire Prevention Bureau, inspections, investigations, public education or public information, please contact our Fire Prevention & Public Information Officer Mitchell Geissler at 985.256.4705