Pertaining to Hurricane Isaac, in St. Tammany Fire a protection District No. 11's response area including the Town of Pearl River and surrounding community, we responded to a few medicals (average call volume) We responded to a hand full of downed trees or trees on power lines, none extreme and to be expected. We made two actual fires, one a fully involved camper trailer the other a small fire in a home under renovation from a improperly placed generator. We had to make NO rescues or water rescues.
Our stations and apparatus faired well and personnel remained safe. One volunteer member did unfortunately report that an oak tree fell through his living room in Mandeville but thankfully no one was injured.
Just like everyone, we did lose power (operated off of generator for many hours) also lost cable but maintained radio, phone and internet communications. We were able to relay storm and local updates via our website, Facebook and twitter accounts throughout the event and no calls or public inquiries were left unanswered. We were able to maintain in constant contact with the parish EOC and other agencies the entire time.
Relatively speaking we faired well but we hope that the community will never under estimate the power of a tropical storm or minimal hurricane. We could have been in worse shape if Hurricane Isaac came 50 miles or so closer or was able to strengthen.
All operations, staffing and procedures were pretty much back to normal this past weekend other than monitoring the river which has already began to decrease in its levels.
We thank all of our personnel for their service during this event and we thank the other agencies and the community for their support also.