The weather forecast is calling for lower rain chances the next few days. High temperatures and high humidity will be the next big story we are faced with. Heat-related emergencies will be a real concern.
As the temperatures rise, we encourage everyone to stay hydrated by drinking non-alcoholic drinks such as water and sports drinks. It is also best to stay away from soda and carbonated drinks as it does not help to keep the body well hydrated. During peak heating, remain indoors or in the shade, preferably in air conditioning. If your situation does not permit that, take as many breaks in the shade or air conditioning as possible. Especially if you area feeling overheated or dehydrated.
Please be mindful of young children and pets in your vehicle. Tragically every year we hear of children and pets being left behind. Have a way to be reminded. If you take a computer bag or any other type of item with you to work, put it in your back seat as a way to force yourself to be reminded. If a bag is not within your norm, as silly as it sounds, take your left shoe off and place it in the back seat. You will need that shoe to get out and would be reminded of a child or pet in your back seat.
Keep an eye on your outdoor pets or animals. Make sure they have plenty of shade and plenty of fresh, cool water. If possible move pets to an area that is air-conditioned and/or has fans.
Check-in on your neighbors, particularly those who may be elderly or have medical conditions that may be sensitive to heat. Ensure they have plenty of water, air conditioning, and/or fans.
Attached is an infographic from the U.S. National Weather Service (NWS) showing the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Both could lead to serious illness or even death. Heat-related illnesses are true emergencies and anyone who may be experiencing one should be brought into air conditioning immediately and cooled down. If their situation does not improve, medical intervention is a must. Do NOT hesitate to get them to a hospital or dial 9-1-1 if someone is experiencing a heat-related emergency.
Stay cool, stay hydrated, stay safe and stay well!