ST. TAMMANY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 11 IS COMMITTED TO “OPERATION SAVE A LIFE” FOR OUR CITIZENS “Operation Save A Life” is a program that was created to combat the rise in fire related injuries and deaths due to home fires in our great State of Louisiana. The goal of this statewide initiative is to dramatically reduce these fire related injuries and deaths across the State of Louisiana by providing smoke detectors to vulnerable citizens and at risk communities. The Louisiana State Legislature grants funding for the local fire departments which apply for the FREE smoke detectors through the Louisiana Office of the State Fire Marshal to be installed by local fire service personnel. Again, these are free to the citizens of Louisiana, including those within St. Tammany Fire Protection District No. 11Two thirds of home fire deaths in Louisiana happen in homes with no smoke detectors or non-working smoke detectors. We know that working smoke detectors cut the risk of dying in half! Smoke detectors literally mean the difference between life and death in a fire.The members of St. Tammany Fire Protection District No. 11 fully commit to the challenge of promoting and educating each citizen to the immediate need for the installation of smoke detectors in their homes. We have further committed to being a partner with the Louisiana Office of State Fire Marshall in the “Operation Safe A Life” program to spread the message and to reduce the fire injury and death rate in Louisiana by installing smoke detectors in homes that are in need.Any citizen that is in need of a smoke detector installation or any additional information is encouraged to contact us. Requests for installation or for any additional information can be done so in several ways. Below is a list of easy ways that we may be contacted. You can visit our page and sign up directly on our website or one of the options below. Operation Save A Life page In Person: Fire Station 112 64279 Hwy 3081 Pearl River, LA 70452 Phone: 985.863.3132 Email: contact@stfpd11.org Website: www.stfpd11.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/stfpd11 NOLA.com Report